his bravery and genius in warfare Part 2
In 2124 B.E. (1581 A.D.), King Burengnong ordered the governors of the cities under his patronage including Pra Naresuan of Ayuddhaya and Pra Sangatat of Tong-U to bring the troops to suppress rebels. He also wanted his son Crown Prince Mang Chaisingh to show his capability in this event. However, the troops of the Crown Prince and Pra Sangatat failed to complete the mission. Pra Naresuan, on the contrary, brought his troops to attack the city of Kang by disguising himself as a villager of the Chan minority tribe in order to secretly survey the landscape of Kang. He then divided his army into two divisions, the royal troops being the spearhead while the main division attacked at the back. He finally was able to catch PrinceNgeow of Kang without a blood bath.
ภาพ : King Naresuan troops to attack the city of Kang and finally was able to catch Prince Ngeow of Kang without a blood bath.
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