B.E.2135 The Burmese Crown Prince took soldiers to attack Ayuddhaya. King Naresuan and Pra Akatosarot led soldiers to Supanburi province to defend the capital. King Naresuan killed the Crown Prince of Burma on the elephant back. Therefore, won the war which would later be known as Yuttahatthi War.
B.E.2136 King Naresuan and Pra Akatosarot led soldiers to Kumpa and send to the King of Nakhonsrithammaraj. After that they attack Kampucha and forced it.
B.E.2137 The southern of Morn was forced by Ayuddhaya.
B.E.2138 King Naresuan and Pra Akatosarot led soldiers to Hongsavadee in December but the troops can’t get close to Hongsa. So they came back.
B.E.2142 King Naresuan and Pra Akatosarot led soldiers to Hongsavadee again but Hongsa was destroyed because King of Thong Ou attack before.
ภาพ : King Naresuan and Pra Akatosarot led soldiers to Hongsavadee
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