Monday, November 12, 2007

his bravery and genius in warfare Part 1

his bravery and genius in warfare

When Pra Naresuan came to govern Phitsanulok, he began to recruit people and train a number of young lads to form a force for the country. Regarding political matters, he adopted the organizational pattern of Ayuddhaya, and this resulted in rapid progress and military strength of Phitsanulok. Governors of minor cities appreciated Pra Naresuan’s capability and sent their children for weapons and military training at Phitsanulok because they all realized that the Crown Prince was the person who would be prepared to bring independence back to Ayuddhaya. While Crown Prince governing Phitsanulok, Pra Naresuan had conducted some significant affairs that showed his bravery and genius in warfare as evident in the following important events. In 2121 B.E. (1578 A.D.), Nak Prasattha of Lawaek assigned Praya Chinchantu to attack Petchaburi by ship. Praya Chinchantu however failed and was afraid that he would be punished, so he pretended to offer his allegiance to King Mahathammaraja in order to spy on matters in Ayuddhaya and would report to Nak Prasattha upon returning hoping to be forgiven for his failure. In the following year, Praya Chinchantu escaped from Ayuddhaya to return to Lawaek on a junk. When Pra Naresuan was informed that Praya Chinchantu was disloyal to Ayuddhaya, he boarded a small boat to follow and shot at the ship until it reached the mouth of the Chao Praya River. However, since the junk had finally got to the deep water and got a strong wind, Pra Naresuan’s troops were unable to catch up.
picture : King Naresuan boarded a small boat to follow and shot at the Praya Chinchantu 's shipุ

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