Position of Crown Prince
In 2111 B.E. (1568 A.D.), King Burengnong brought his troops to fight with Ayuddhaya again. The war was caused by the fact that King Mahintrathirat, who governed Ayuddhaya after his father King Mahachakrapad, had conspired with King Chiyachettha of Lanchang by assigning King Chaiyachetta to invade Phitsanulok in order to find opportunities to harm Pra Mahathammaraja. When King Burengnong was informed about the event, he was very angry because Pra Mahathammaraja was governing Phitsanulok, which was then considered part of Hongsawadee’s territory. He therefore brought the troops to surround Ayuddhaya and finally was victorious in 2112 B.E. (1569 A.D.) Having defeated Ayuddhaya, King Burengnong appointed Pra Mahathammaraja King of Ayuddhaya as a protectorate and took the defeated King Mahintrathirat, royal members, and important noblemen, as well as other people toHongsawadee. After Pra Mahathammaraja was enthroned, he requested of King Burengnong that Prince Naresuan be allowed to return to Ayddhaya to help with the country’s matters and promised to send his daughter Pra Supankalayanee to Hongsawadee in exchange. King Mahathammaraja closely taught, trained, and gave advice to Pra Naresuan about politics, government, and warfare. As a result of his confidence in his son’s capability, King Mahathammaraja promoted Pra Naresuan to the position of Crown Prince governing Phitsanulok, an important city to the north, in 2114 B.E. (1572 A.D.) when Pra Naresuan was only 16 years old.
picture : King Naresuan to the position of Crown Prince governing Phitsanulok, an important city to the north, in 2114 B.E. (1572 A.D.)